How Enonic Fits Your Requirements

How Enonic Fits Your Requirements



What are the clear cut benefits of working with Enonic?

In this spec sheet, we aim to get straight to the point. We will show you and your stakeholders what specific features and functionality you can expect from Enonic.

Good reading!

Morten EriksenauthorBox.about

Morten Eriksen

Morten is the CEO and co-founder of Enonic. He has extensive experience as an entrepreneur focusing on areas like business development, product management, sales, and marketing. He started a digital agency in 1995 and built his first CMS in 1997, then founded Enonic in 2000 where his mission is to accelerate digital projects using innovative technology.

Chapter 1

Why Choosing the Right Digital Platform Is Important

Consumer behavior is turning increasingly digital. And for the world of B2B, researching products and services is performed almost exclusively online. On computers, tablets, phones, and even indirectly through the Internet of Things, wearables, digital signage, and APIs.

This means that your customer journey is more important than ever before. If you want to not just stay ahead of your competitors, but to survive the digital disruption overall, you need a future proof, flexible, and agile digital platform.

Reaching out to your actual and potential customers today can be done through a limitless array of digital channels. At the same time, development and progress in digital technologies are moving blazingly fast.

And on top of this comes the increased customer expectations and demands. Customers simply will not settle for slow websites, clunky apps, or bad user experiences. And don't expect them to be loyal to your brand.

We believe Enonic can help your organization solve and overcome all of these challenges. The Enonic platform is future proof, flexible, agile, headless, and composable. All elements for enabling a superb customer journey.

Now, let us delve into the technical specifics of this bold claim.

How Enonic fits your requirements Project

Chapter 2

Enonic’s Philosophy

Enonic’s philosophy can be summarized in two words: content first. At the heart of all your digital experiences lies content. Meaningful, helpful, and engaging content for your customers.

Fancy visuals, cool functionality, and a fast and responsive website or app are empty shells without great content, something with meaning, in the foundations.

What “content first” means is that the Enonic platform is built for creating, editing, and distributing your precious content as efficiently as possible.

By default, our platform treats every content item as structured. This means it is of a certain type, has the same characteristics as other content items of its kind, and can be reused in countless ways as a result.

For instance, all content items of the type “page” can only act in a certain way and be used in a specific manner, by your instructions. The same goes for “blog,” “person,” “case study,” “service,” “image,” “document,” and so forth.

Content types are tailor made for each customer, and their operations and logic are entirely up to you.

As a result of our content first philosophy, we are neither a classic CMS nor a headless CMS. We are both!

We offer a composable CMS, taking page building, content organization, image handling, URL management, and more from the classic CMS. At the same time we offer the lightweight database and API approach from the headless CMS for front-end freedom and omnichannel distribution.

In this way, you can use Enonic as your project requires. If you want to make a complex website, do it with our classic CMS capabilities. If you want to build an app, please go ahead with our headless functionality. If you want a mixture, you can of course do that too.

Your content is always at the center of our platform, and only your imagination sets the limit for its usage.

How Enonic fits your requirements Philosophy

Chapter 3

How Enonic Benefits Internal Stakeholders

Enonic want to appeal to all the relevant internal stakeholders in your organization. While some digital platforms aim to please the developers, others seek to cater mainly to the editors’ needs.

In Enonic, we built our platform from scratch in 2015 in order to help unify your organization: Including business, marketing, and IT.

Business and Decision Makers

Pricing Model

Predictable pricing model with clearly defined tiers and the possibility to upgrade or downgrade capacity after need.


Back-end cluster technology coupled with front-end content management allows for fast increase or decrease in required server capacity.


Enonic serves several high profile customers and is ISO 9001 certifified. The added transparency of an open source platform makes us a stable and predictable partner.


Enonic is fully dependent on gaining and keeping the confidence of our customers. This is done through great customer service, a robust platform, and facilitating open technologies and processes.

How Enonic fits your requirements Benefits

Marketing and Content Editors

Productivity and User Friendliness

Our CMS, Content Studio, is made especially for content editors. It emphasizes an intuitive and responsive UI, smart image handling, visual page editor, familiar keyboard shortcuts, and collaboration through issue management.


Create any type of digital experience most befitting your marketing strategy, like self service, logistics system, or blog. Create any content type you need, like articles, profiles, events, or redirects. Then work within a classical CMS framework and distribute your content headlessly.

Marketing Tools Integrations

Enonic offers a lightweight and flexible core. It is ready to integrate with the best of breed third party marketing tools of your choice. Examples being HubSpot, Google Analytics, or SEO meta fields.

IT and Developers

Open Source

Developers get full insight into the source code and what is being planned. This is done through GitHub, the Enonic documentation, and our company portal.


Enonic uses server-side JavaScript. As any web developer can understand the language, starting and running new projects with Enonic is a fast and smooth process.


Enonic runs in any cloud, thanks to the powerful Java Virtual Machine. We also offer our own, fully managed cloud platform to meet the requirements of modern web and app development.


Enonic is designed to integrate with your existing systems, architecture, and skill set. You can integrate with any core system using APIs and ready made concepts like ID Providers, MVC controllers, admin interface widgets, etc.

Chapter 4

Essential Features of Enonic

Rich Text Editor

Stylize text, drag and drop images, insert rich media with macros.

Image Handling

Crop, flip, rotate, and assign focal point on any image.

Landing Page Editor

Build custom pages with drag and drop, layouts, rich texts, parts, and fragments.

Structured Content

Headless ready content oriented CMS, where every element is a defined content type.

Version Control

Last 50 versions of any content item is saved, enabling easy reverts.

Access Rights

Control which users have access to any given content item at any time.


Schedule publication of content items in past, present, or future.


Keyboard navigation, image alt text, no mandatory markup, and more.

SEO Capabilities

Ensured through structured content, standard fields, and SEO meta fields app.

App Market

Enonic Market features verified applications, add-ons, and integrations.

Headless Support

Go headless with a powerful GraphQL API.

Responsive Admin Console

Responsive GUI, collapsible and expandable panels for any screen, touch screen image handling.

Easy to Manage Page Templates

Template content type under a template folder, managed after page editor principles.

Marketing Tools Integrations

Existing integrations via Enonic Market. Fully possible to integrate your tool of choice.

Responsive Preview

Fully responsive previews through emulator widget or preview tab.

Support for User Generated Content

Support for storing other data than content in a separate repository, fully searchable.


Support for editorial workflow with different content statuses and notifications.

Editor Search Function

Lightning fast search engine with filtering by content types and more.

Batch Publishing

Publish or unpublish content items in batch.

Language Support

Possible through layers.

Form Builder

Build forms to capture user information.

Chapter 5

More Features


Enonic is built to scale in both platform and cloud. There are distributed architecture, performance tests, and multiple deployment strategies available.


Enonic is trusted by large Norwegian brands like Norway Post, Gjensidige, Forsvaret, Norsk Tipping, TINE, Eliteserien, KLP, Storebrand, and NAV. We continuously strive to be a reliable vendor, through open technology, quality systems, and an ISO-9001 certification.


Enonic follows OWASP principles in security testing. Every code change is verified by more than 5,500 automated tests, and all major releases are tested by an external white hat agency.


Enonic offers flexible pricing and product offering, suited for both mainstream and custom solutions. The platform is also by its very nature flexible, offering the mentioned alternatives of classic, headless, and/or composable CMS.


We use modern technologies in our work, like web APIs, GraphQL, JavaScript, Gradle, and Kubernetes. With this tech we have built the CMS interface Content Studio, the Enonic platform, and our cloud service.

Cloud or On Premise

Whether to run your digital experiences on premises or in the cloud with Enonic or a third party vendor is entirely up to you. Thanks to our powerful and flexible platform.


Customer success is invaluable to us, and that is why we aim to empower developers and content editors alike with our training courses and guides.


You can always count on support in one way or another from dedicated Enonic experts. Whether it is through Enonic SupportSlack, the online forum, or even Meetups.

Chapter 6

Technical Overview

Enonic is a full stack JavaScript application platform and CMS in one. We offer the essential services and tools required to build and maintain highly scalable web apps and sites.

Build your own applications, or use existing ones from Enonic Market. Applications are primarily written in JavaScript. They can also include Java, as the platform runs on top of the Java Virtual Machine.

  • Application runtime
  • JavaScript development framework
  • NoSQL storage for your data
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Extensible admin console for back office users
  • Hybrid content management system when needed
  • Remote management API
  • Statistics API for metrics and monitoring
  • CLI and software development kit
How Enonic fits your requirements Technical

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