
A blog can be much more than a personal diary or a gossip magazine. Blogging can be a powerful tool driving business. A blog can not only attract new leads and opportunities to your organisation—it can also delight your existing customers by providing real value and industry insights.

As there are many reasons to start blogging, the Enonic platform of course supports blogging in any way. Whether it is a ready-made app from the Enonic Market or a custom solution, blogging is not only fully possible—it’s enhanced by our headless focus on structured content and reuse.

In any case, we want to showcase some of the blogs running on the Enonic platform, in no specific order:

Gjensidige: Godt forberedt


Gjensidige is a listed company that offers insurance products in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, and the Baltic states. Gjensidige’s blog Godt forberedt, meaning “Well Prepared,” delivers inspiring stories about current affairs, as well as useful information, tips, and advice often related to healthy life choices, personal economy, and accident prevention.

Storebrand: Smartere valg


Storebrand is a financial services company in Norway specialising in life insurance, pension savings, investments, bankin, and P&C insurance products. Their blog, Smartere valg, meaning “More Clever Choices,” focuses on pensions, sustainability, economy, and working life.

Bouvet: Bouvet deler


IT consulting company and Enonic partner Bouvet has a blog called Bouvet deler, meaning “Bouvet is sharing.” As the name implies, on the blog all Bouvet employees (1500+) can share their knowledge and stories on what they are working with and are passionate about—including interaction design, service design, eCommerce, digitalisation, and much more.

See also: How Enonic's community can help your projects »

Idébanken: Inspirasjon


Idébanken is an information service about inclusive working life by the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration. They share ideas and knowledge about sick leave, working environment, senior policy, and inclusion. Their blog, Inspirasjon, not surprisingly translating as “Inspiration,” shares experiences from businesses that have succeeded in achieving lower rates of sickness absence and a better working environment.

Millum Blog


Millum is a Norwegian IT company that develops and operates solutions for eCommerce across the value chain. The Millum Blog handles topics such as procurement, sustainability, Millum services and products, as well as company news.

KLP: Nyhetssenter


KLP is a mutual insurance company responsible for the management of municipal and county pensions and insurance issues. While they call it a news center, Nyhetssenter also works as a blog. Topics include pensions, financial development, industry news, sustainability, funds, and company news.

Read more: Enonic: A flexible platform for the future »

Kommunikasjonsforeningen: Fagstoff


Kommunikasjonsforeningen is a politically independent interest organisation for people working or educating themselves within the field of communication. Fagstoff, roughly translated as “Professional Subject Matter,” is a blog where the association shares articles, lectures, and non-fiction books on the topic of communication.

Infotorg: Aktuelt


Infotorg is a service from the Nordic IT company EVRY, providing customers with business-critical information from more than 25 registries to Norwegian companies and public enterprises. The Aktuelt section (“Current Events”) is their blog, dealing with topics like automotive, real estate, registries, guides, and other news.

Fabelaktig formidling


Kopinor is a management and interest organisation that represents copyright holders. On the blog Fabelaktig formidling, or “Fabulous Dissemination,” Kopinor presents stories, experiences, ideas, and tools related to dissemination in the school system.

Item Blog


Enonic partner and system integrator Item Consulting delivers back-end and front-end programming, from data flow to tailor-made solutions for customers. Their Blog features Enonic XP guides, company news, technical know-how, and other topics.

Bonus: Enonic Blog


The Enonic Blog is where you are right now. Updated weekly, our blog aims to enlighten and delight both customers and unknown visitors alike on topics such as CMS, digital experiences, digital projects, headless CMS, customer journey, and much more.


The range of blogs running on the Enonic platform is as diverse in design, functionality, and content as the sites and services our customers have built in general. Remember, you can fully customise your blog to your brand with no need to use predefined apps.

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