Coding Developer


Developer 101

Learn how to configure content models and use the Enonic API.

Next course date: 28 August 2024

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Knowledge Base Books

Subjects Covered

Upon completion of this course, you should be familiar with the following Enonic XP concepts:

  • Overview of theΒ Developer portal
  • Local development environment using the Enonic CLI
  • Enonic Apps concept
  • Content modeling
  • Media and images
  • Fetch content and images using the GraphQL API
  • Introduction to Content Studio
  • How to use content projects
  • Creating and publishing content
  • Data toolbox
  • Deploy your Enonic App in the Enonic Cloud


Kirkegata 1–3, Oslo, Norway


  • Basic programming skills and knowledge of XML.
  • Installed a Text Editor


1 day – 09:00β€”16:00Β CET
30 minute lunch break included in this.Β 


NOK 6,900
USD 700
EUR 700
GBP 700

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